Buy and sell green hydrogen, in just a few clicks.

Here, we facilitate contacts between buyers and sellers, and the taking of orders for green hydrogen in Europe.

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Why a marketplace?

Green hydrogen is a major lever for decarbonizing mobility and industry. What could be better than digital technology, simple and accessible to all, to help everyone adopt it?

What are the benefits of this platform?

Lhyfe marketplace
Green hydrogen available in Europe
Lhyfe marketplace
Green hydrogen available in Europe

We've already referenced nearly a dozen green hydrogen production sites in France and Germany, and we're working hard to extend the panel of suppliers to the whole of Europe.

In total, this represents a hydrogen production capacity of several hundred tonnes per month.

Lhyfe marketplace
Green hydrogen available at any time
Lhyfe marketplace
Green hydrogen available at any time

The quantities of hydrogen available from each of the producers listed on our platform are posted online in real time by the sellers.

Lhyfe marketplace
Simplified order and supply management
Lhyfe marketplace
Simplified order and supply management

Thanks to your dashboard, you can monitor the status of your orders in real time.

Everything is done online, quickly and securely.

Lhyfe marketplace
Handpicked green hydrogen producers
H2 Marketplace
Handpicked green hydrogen producers

All the producers referenced on our platform are certified producers that we have carefully selected according to our safety and quality criteria, and for their logistical and operational capacity to produce.

How does the platform help you on a day-to-day basis?

Antoine Hamon, COO at Lhyfe

Antoine Hamon answers to questions about the marketplace:

  • Is a hydrogen marketplace a “crazy idea”?

  • In practical terms, what is it for?

  • How has this platform proposal been received by your partners?

  • How do you see the future of this platform?

How to manage your green hydrogen orders?

It couldn't be simpler.
Shape background
You want to BUY green hydrogen?
Number 1
Tell us how much hydrogen you want

Contact us directly via this form to explain your needs.

Number 2
Access your account in 2 clicks

After your request, our team makes it easy for you by quickly creating your account and sending you access details by email.

Number 3
Order your green hydrogen whenever you want

You can manage your supplies autonomously via our platform: delivery date, pick-up location, quantities required.

You want to SELL green hydrogen?
Number 1
We assess your production capacity together

Contact us directly via this form to make an appointment with one of our experts: he or she will check with you that your production is safe and certified green.

Number 2
Become a referenced producer on our platform

Once referenced, you become part of our network of partner producers. This increases your visibility and sales, and makes it easier for you to place orders.

Number 3
Your orders are simpler

Each time you receive a green hydrogen request, you receive a notification. You can then accept or refuse it with a few clicks, and organize your logistics more simply...

Do you have a question and how to navigate through the platform?

Book a demo
book a demo


Why do we talk about marketplace?
Chevron right

It's a unique place where several sellers can offer a product for sale, green hydrogen, under specific conditions offered to each buyer.

What's in it for buyers?
Chevron right

For buyers:

  • It allows to have hydrogen everywhere
  • It secures hydrogen supply all the time
  • It makes it easier to manage your hydrogen orders
  • It insures you to work with certified green hydrogen producers
  • It reduces logistics costs
  • It's a one stop shop
What's in it for sellers?
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For sellers:

  • Access to more potential sales markets, but also access to areas where there are no production sites
  • Better amortisation of assets
  • Be able to provide delivery guarantees by pooling risks
  • Simplify logistical procedures: Today, we only contact our customers by email or telephone, which is not a smooth process.
Who can connect to the hydrogen marketplace?
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The access to the platform is reserved for buyers or sellers of green hydrogen who have been validated and referenced by Lhyfe Heroes.

Are prices displayed?
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No, prices are not visible directly on the platform. They will be defined in contracts signed outside the platform between buyers and sellers. Lhyfe Heores is not involved in the definition of these prices and, more generally, in the conditions of the contract.

How do I access the platform?
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Lhyfe Heroes assesses all buyers' needs before giving them access to the platform and assesses all sellers before listing them on the platform.

Use of the platform, in its initial version, is free for all.

What geographical scope do you cover?
Chevron right

France, Germany, Benelux, Spain, Sweden, Norway, Denmark

As a seller, does Lhyfe have access to my contractual information with my customers?
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No, we only need to know that there is an existing contract to open the channels and allow transactions.

What's in it for me (seller) to be on Lhyfe Heroes?
Chevron right
  • Simplify order taking
  • Have a centralised location with all hydrogen availabilities in the Lhyfe Heroes scope
  • Declare excess capacity for sale
  • Also be a buyer if I need back-up for site maintenance, for example
Why should I (the buyer) go to Lhyfe Heroes instead of calling my suppliers directly?
Chevron right
  • Easy to search, with all availabilities, dates and lead times listed on the site, giving you direct access to availability information
  • Centralise all your hydrogen requests with a common order-taking and order-tracking process for all suppliers
  • Find the right supplier and be in direct contact with the right person for your needs

I don't have any containers but I need hydrogen. Can I use the platform?
Chevron right

For the moment, this platform is reserved for partners with their own packaging. But you can contact us to make a quote to get hydrogen deliveries ->

If I don't have a contract with supplier X (who is present on Lhyfe Heroes), will I see their availability on the platform?
Chevron right

No, you need to have a contract with supplier X to be able to check availability and place orders.

There are no availabilites on the platform. How can I find hydrogen?
Chevron right

Even if you don't find any results on the platform, we invite you to submit your request anyway. The seller will receive your request and may have the possibility to honor your request.

More questions? Contact us.

More information about Hydrogen

Press release

Read the press release about this hydrogen marketplace. Embrace innovation and sustainability as we pave the way for a greener tomorrow.

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Learn more about the pioneers of green and renewable hydrogen

Heroes lhyfe
Lhyfe Heroes

Discover hydrogen equipment & services, simulate the CO2 avoided by switching to H2, join an hydrogen ecosystem and more...