
Azor Energy

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Implementation of the TIRUERT

Registration Register eligible projects on the Carbure platform
Support Support for accreditation audits based on a voluntary certification scheme (certification of production...
Statement Monthly renewable hydrogen sustainability statement on Carbide


Implementation of the TIRUERT scheme for distributors of renewable, low-carbon hydrogen used for mobility purposes

Azor Energy is working with hydrogen players to help them structure their business plans so as to incorporate the potential revenue from the TIRUERT scheme.

Azor Energy propose également un accompagnement dans le processus opérationnel de génération des certificats.

Technical specifications

About the vendor


Azor Energy

Versailles, France

Azor Energy is a consultancy and operational support company specialising in the energy transition for businesses and local authorities. Its core business is supporting developers of electric vehicle charging stations and hydrogen players in the TIRUERT scheme.

The Finance Act has confirmed their eligibility for this scheme:

  • From 1 January 2022 for renewable electricity used by electric vehicle charging stations open to the public,
  • From 1 January 2023 for hydrogen, on the strict condition that it is renewable, produced by electrolysis and used in mobility,
  • From 1 January 2024 for low-carbon hydrogen, produced by electrolysis and used in mobility.

For example, developers of public charging stations can claim the value of the "renewable kWh" consumed at their stations. Similarly, companies distributing renewable or low-carbon hydrogen produced by electrolysis and intended for use in the transport sector can generate certificates corresponding to the proportion of renewable or low-carbon energy used to manufacture the hydrogen.

These certificates are sold to oil distributors, enabling them to meet a regulatory obligation to reduce CO2 emissions from the products they market.

Azor Energy provides its customers with operational support to optimise the additional revenue generated by the TIRUERT scheme, thanks to its expertise in the regulations, the certificate market and its knowledge of the oil industry.

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Implementation of the TIRUERT scheme for distributors of renewable, low-carbon hydrogen used for mobility purposes


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Implementation of the TIRUERT
Azor Energy