Understanding our avoided CO2 emissions simulator

2 min
August 14, 2023
co2 emission simulator explanation

This simulator is designed to provide you with initial inputs for assessing the decarbonization of your business. It does not necessarily reflect specific situations and uses standard data provided by various bodies. It has been created using estimates published to date. If you would like more details, please contact us.

Here are a few details on how the simulator was developed:

Scope of calculation for avoided CO2

In calculating avoided CO2 emissions, we consider that the hydrogen used is Lhyfe hydrogen, which is 100% renewable hydrogen produced via the electrolysis of water using a 100% renewable energy mix. Our calculation is based on tank-to-wheel emissions, or in other words, those produced from running the vehicle. For this, we use the reference data of the French energy and environment agency, Ademe.

A calculation covering the complete life cycle, including the emissions involved in manufacturing the vehicle and managing its end of life, producing the fuel, and running the vehicle would be more accurate. However, studies to produce such an assessment are lacking so far. The Carbone 4 study is the only one available to date, but it only provides data for a few vehicle types.

It is important to note, however, that the more intensively a vehicle is used, the more the carbon footprint of its manufacturing process is amortized. Therefore, our calculation uses an average value.

The greatest contributor to the carbon footprint is the manufacturing of the vehicle and the battery. One avenue being studied to improve the carbon footprint of battery manufacturing is to manufacture these batteries in countries where electricity is low in carbon.

Calculating range and charging time

We regularly exchange with our manufacturer partners and monitor developments in the ranges of hydrogen vehicles as a basis for our calculation.

If you are a manufacturer of hydrogen vehicles and would like to discuss these figures with us, please contact us!

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